user-defined stylesTikZ/PGF
allows named styles defined by the user, for
\tikzstyle{mypolygonstyle} = [fill=blue!20,fill opacity=0.8] \tikzstyle{mylinestyle} = [red!20,dashed]Since
has no information on the contents of such styles,
it omits them entirely from lines, polygons, and their edges during
option splitting. For example,
polygon[style=mypolygonstyle,style=thick](0,0,1)(1,0,0)(0,1,0) line[style=mylinestyle](-1,-1,-1)(2,2,2)produces the
\draw(-1,-1)--(.333,.333); \filldraw[thick,fill=white](0,0)--(1,0)--(0,1)--cycle; \draw(.333,.333)--(2,2);Note that the user-defined styles are not present. Sketch also issues warnings:
warning, unknown polygon option style=mypolygonstyle will be ignored warning, unknown line option style=mylinestyle will be ignored
The remedy is to state explicitly whether a user-defined style should
be attched to polygons or lines in the TikZ
output using
pseudo-options fill style
and line style
polygon[fill style=mypolygonstyle,style=thick](0,0,1)(1,0,0)(0,1,0) line[line style=mylinestyle](-1,-1,-1)(2,2,2)Now, the output is
\draw[mylinestyle](-1,-1)--(.333,.333); \filldraw[mypolygonstyle,thick](0,0)--(1,0)--(0,1)--cycle; \draw[mylinestyle](.333,.333)--(2,2);
A useful technique is to include user-defined style definitions in
code as special
s with option [lay=under]
to ensure that the styles are emitted first in the output, before
any uses of the style names.
1 For
special|\tikzstyle{mypolygonstyle} = [fill=blue!20,fill opacity=0.8]|[lay=under] special|\tikzstyle{mylinestyle} = [red!20,dashed]|[lay=under]The author is responsible for using the key,
line style
or fill style
, that matches the content of the style